Gallery of prints for sale

Friday 20 September 2024

Stefano della Bella (1610–1664)

“Ornament with Eagles and Lion Heads” (aka “Frontispiece: Ornamenti o Grottesche” [MET title], c.1653, title plate from the series of twelve plates, “Ornamenti o grottesche” (Ornaments and grotesques).

Etching on fine laid paper trimmed along the platemark with restorations and backed with a support sheet.

Size: (sheet) 16.9 x 6.5 cm

Inscribed on plate within the round cartouche: “ORNAMANTI/ O/ GROTTESCHE/ di Stef. Della Bella" (Note: there is a tiny “I” inscribed above the “T” creating the first word, “ORNAMANTI”.)

Early impression (based on the lack of wear to the plate) of the only state.

De Vesme/Massar 1003 (Alexandre de Vesme, revised by Phyllis Dearborn Massar 1971, “Stefano della Bella: Catalogue Raisonné”, New York, Collectors Editions, [text] p. 155, cat. no, 1003, [ill.] p. 219).

De Vesme/Massar (1971) offer the following description of this print: (transl.) “At the bottom, two lions' heads having, instead of bodies, two tree trunks which rise by joining and moving apart and thus form three circles: in the two lower circles, two eagles” ([text volume] p. 155).

See also the description of this print offered by The Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Condition: a strong and well-printed impression with replenished losses to the upper left and lower left and right corners. The sheet is trimmed slightly unevenly along the platemark and is laid upon a support of archival (millennium quality) washi paper providing wide margins.

I am selling this small vertical ornamental panel featuring two eagles with spread wings framed by entwined palm leaves and banderols that merge into lion heads at the bottom of the design for AU$256 in total (currently US$174.30/EUR156.11/GBP130.83 at the time of posting this listing) including Express Mail (EMS) postage and handling to anywhere in the world, but not (of course) any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries. Note that payment is in Australian dollars (AU$256) as this is my currency..

If you are interested in purchasing this graphically strong ornamental design, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

Note that I have previously listed another copy of this marvellous etching but it has been sold. I have also listed another plate from the same series that is currently still available: “Ornamental vertical panel with camel heads”, c.1653 (

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