Gallery of prints for sale

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietricy, “St. William, The Hermit Saint”, 1760

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietricy (aka Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich) (1712–1774)

“St. William, The Hermit Saint” (aka “Heiliger Wilhelm”; “Paysage, oit l'on voit S. Guillaume” [Le Blanc]), 1760, etching in the manner of Salvator Rosa (1615–1673). See the brief description of this print offered by the Cleveland Museum of Art:  

Etching on laid paper with a thread margin around the platemark, backed with a support sheet providing wide margins

Size: (sheet) 18.5 x 13.9 cm; (plate) 18.3 x 13.8 cm

Inscribed in plate: (left of centre on upper edge) “63”; (upper right corner) “Dietricy”.

State ii (of iii) before the number (“63”) is effaced in the third state.

Le Blanc (Charles Le Blanc 1856, “Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes, contenant un dictionnaire des graveurs de toutes les nations: ouvrage destiné à faire suite au Manuel du libraire par J.Ch. Brunet”, vol. 2, Paris, P. Jannet, p. 131, cat. no. 109 state ii); Linck 161 (JF Linck 1846, “Monographie der von C. W. E. Dietrich radierten, geschabten und in Holz geschnittenen malerischen Vorstellungen”, Berlin).

Condition: a strong and well-printed (faultless) impression with a thread margin around the platemark and laid onto a support of millennium quality washi paper providing wide margins. The sheet is in a pristine condition with no tears, holes, folds, abrasions or stains.

I am selling this fascinating image of the French hermit who was beatified in 1202 and died in 1157, Saint William (aka William of Maleval; Guillaume de Malavalle; William the Hermit; William the Great), bound against a rock with his upraised arms tied by the wrists to a tree—possibly as an act of penitence for sins committed in his earlier years in the military?— for AU$296 (equivalent to approximately US$186.27, EUR 171.80, or GBP 143.97 at the time of listing) and includes Express Mail Service (EMS) postage and handling to any worldwide destination. Please note that any import duties or taxes levied by the destination country are the responsibility of the buyer and are not included in the purchase price. Payment is requested in Australian dollars (AU$296).

If you are interested in purchasing this superb etching, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print is reserved pending confirmation of its sale

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